Deep Root Fertilization
To fully comprehend proper tree fertilization, it is important to examine forests. Natural forests are where trees thrive unadulterated. If you examine the soil in a forest, you will notice that it is spongey and full of organic matter. Acorns, branches and leaves from the previous year litter the forest floor and provide much needed nutrients. Insects and small amphibians eat this matter and carry it deep beneath the forest floor. Trees gather these nutrients from their waste. In K-Town, the soil is rock hard. This soil doesn’t have the proper nutrients to enable your trees to thrive.
Some of your trees may be doing just fine. It’s important to know which plants require fertilization and which don’t. Fertilizer is like vitamins for trees. They provide a nutritional boost that non forest trees need. Schedule an appointment with our arborist. She will walk your property and identify which trees could use a boost of nutrient rich fertilizer. Most landscapes require biannual fertilization. For best results, fertilize toward the end of fall and in the spring. If you have multiple tree species on your property, they may each require a different type of fertilizer. We will ensure that your landscape flourishes. Call us today for an appointment.
Chemical Fertilizer vs. Organic Fertilizer
When fertilizing your trees, there are two types that we may utilize. At Tree Care Kelowna, we prefer to use organic fertilizers. They mimic the natural decomposition process that occurs in forests. Organic fertilizers enrich the soil. Trees pull their nutrients from the soil via complex root networks. Through experience, we find that chemical fertilizers are best for potted plants. We want to treat your trees as naturally as possible. Another added benefit of organic fertilizers is that they enrich the soil for years after the initial applications. Call us for more information about organic vs. chemical.
3 Numbers
Every bag of fertilizer has 3 numbers printed on it – whether organic or chemical. The numbers are very important when adding nutrients to the soil. The first number represents the amount of nitrogen. The second number indicates the quantity of phosphorous in the bag. The final number lets you know how much potassium the fertilizer contains. Proper soil inspection is pertinent before fertilization commences. Once we determine how rich or deplete your soil is, we can apply the appropriate fertilizer. If your soil is malnourished in a particular mineral, the arborist will select a fertilizer that will return the necessary nutrients.
If you think that mulch is used for decorative purposes, you’re not alone. Mulch was invented to protect plants. Natural occurring mulch protects plants from harmful UV rays during the summer months. It also acts as a warm blanket in the winter and fall. As mulch begins to decompose, clients request that we apply a new layer. They think that the mulch has done its job and is of no use. In reality, as the mulch begins to flatten and decay, it is depositing nutrients in the soil via a leeching process. Trees benefit greatly from organic mulch. We are also offering tree planting service.